Of course, all of these possible goals are interrelated. In a comment to a previous post, Tom Jablonski said, "It seems like so many of the problems that plague our world today, the poverty and homelessness, are symptoms of a world view based on production and consumption, where a few people profit at the expense of many."
I agree with Tom. One way I would describe the foundation that links all of these goals is the need to move from ego-centric to eco-centric ways of being, so we can act on behalf of the whole. This shift in our worldviews is needed to support the Great Turning, the cultural transformation from unsustainable industrial growth to cultures that sustain life.
What do you see as the foundation that links all these long-term goals? How do you discern your role in contributing to these goals, individually and as communities?
I really like your eco-centric concept and the idea of the "great turning". Reminded me of Thomas Berry's writings and in particular his book "The Great Work". Berry wrote much about what we need to move into what he calls the "ecozoic" era is a new story, one that incorporates what we know know about the origins and realities of the cosmos. Really puts our place in it into perspective. I think merging Berry's "Great Work" with Robert Greenleaf's concept of servant leadership is what will be needed to kick the "Great Turning" into gear.
Thank you, Tom. Yes, I agree that merging Berry's "Great Work" with servant leadership is what we need. I also add in their the principles and process ofPresencing, which is where I draw the egocentric/ecocentric framework from. As they say it, " The presencing process is a journey that connects us more deeply both to what wants to emerge in the world and to our emerging, higher self." I'm glad to know about the parallel in Berry's "ecozoic" language.
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